
Last updated 2024-08-25 09:05

Skills & Abilities🔗

  • Extensive experience configuring, monitoring, and administering Linux systems
  • 5 years experience with heterogeneous HPC systems
  • Extensive knowledge of Python and Puppet
  • Self-driven learner & enthusiastic educator

Employment Experience🔗

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center🔗

Advanced Systems Infrastructure Manager
2024-present * Leads a team maintaining and managing the shared cyberinfrastructure of the center.
Senior Infrastructure Engineer
Infrastructure Engineer
  • As part of Operations team, deployed and administered several flagship HPC clusters
  • Spearheaded deployment of centralized Prometheus monitoring and Puppet configuration management across the center
  • Developed internal system management tools
  • As part of XSEDE, developed a Python library used by HPC centers across the country
  • Contributed patches and fixes to open-source projects

Carnegie Mellon University🔗

Cloud/Full-Stack Developer, School of Computer Science
  • Full-stack developer & sysadmin for an experimental learning platform built on Django.

Bard College🔗

Developer for Experimental Humanities
  • Designed, built, deployed, and maintained digital humanities projects, in collaboration with faculty, staff, and students, along with related infrastructure.
  • With Bard IT staff, spearheaded several modernization projects for Bard's IT & academic technologies infrastructure.

Carnegie Mellon University🔗

Research assistant, Department of English
  • Designed & built the backend for the Docuscope web app, based on DocuscopeJr.

Northwaters Langskib Wilderness Programs🔗

  • Led & educated youth aged 10-18 on 3-week backcountry canoe trips.


Carnegie Mellon University🔗

Master of Arts in Rhetoric
May 2015

Pennsylvania State University🔗

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
December 2012
Bachelor of Science in Physics
December 2012


Carnegie Mellon University, Mellon College of Science🔗

Senior Rookie of the Year


Rebuilding Bridges: The tools used to deploy and maintain Bridges-2.
In PEARC '23: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 2023


Available on request